Tag Archives: perspectve

the Big Bang – Analysis 1

The big bang theory is the prevailing cosmological model of the initiation of our universe as we know it. The big bang is an event.

What is an event? An event is anything that takes place. It’s that simple. Anything can be an event. A shoe is an event, a tossed coin is an event, Earth is an event, etc etc. The big bang is an event.

An event could be of any magnitude or sequence. For example; my laptop is an event, using my laptop is also an event, using my laptop in my room is also an event. So, an event in the real sense is limitless. An object is an event, a thought is an event, a number is an event. No matter the space in which an event takes place; physical space, mental space, number space, etc, it still remains an event.

The big bang theory is one event that utilizes the phenomenon of an explosion. I’d be elaborating on another realisation of mine later, that ‘perspective yields perspective’. This is very evident in our world. They say ‘perception is reality’, and in fact that statement has some physics in it. An observer could liken the waves of an ocean at shore to the scattered patterns of a bedspread, or the shape of a Coca Cola bottle to a beautiful woman. The latter is used in advertisement as a ploy to increase sales, and most consumers don’t even know the rounded shapes of the soft drink bottles affect their spending. So, real perspective P1 could yield perspective P2 and real perspective P3 could yield perspective P1. In the ocean and bedspread example I gave, the ocean is the real perspective (what the observer is actually observing) let’s call this P1 and the bedspread is the mutually inclusive perspective (what the observer infers form the observed) let’s call this P2. The observer could then perceive a different event entirely, say a flooded road P3 and this could initiate a perspective of a real ocean P1.
So, P1 yields P2, and if P2 yields P3 which further yields P1 (we have a closed loop). I’d delve into this phenomenon in later posts.

So what’s the Big Bang all about? In one word; INFORMATION. The big bang is all about information. Matter is information. Particles are information.
And what is information? I’d define information as the basic entity of physical existence. We are all information.

The big bang yields the perspective of an explosion.

What does it mean for something to explode? It simply means that energy is compacted, and upon disturbance, the energy breaks free. Imagine a bomb, for example; before a bomb detonates, there is an internal or external reaction that causes the compacted energy in the setup to break free, violently. Energy is information as well. When a bomb explodes, the container is consequently shredded to bits owing to the released pressure, and these bits are accelerated in all directions. There is a somewhat spontaneous discharge of heat. ‘All directions’ means there is a 360° discharge of energy.

The event of the Big Bang when perceived P1 could yield a mutually inclusive event of an earthly explosion P2. But there is a problem here: the big bang is the causal event, meaning that it is arguably the father of all events. Now, how does one relate the event of eating a plate of macaroni to the big bang? Keeping in mind the chronological reality. How do I relate the event of my shoe to that of the big bang? This is the problem. This problem is what I call the cultural gate problem. In this text we have been dealing with mutually inclusive perspectives, where one perspective yields a well related perspective. But what kind of operation is this perception business? Well, humans alongside other animals are the observers of events, and we perceive things in different ways that depend largely on personal experience. This fact makes us cultural. And this is fundamentally how the mind works, by these perspective pairing. Where we have two mutual perspectives, we have a gate, a cultural gate. Just like we have the logic gates in electronics.
So when we have two perspectives that don’t necessarily relate, we call them mutually exclusive perspectives. Set theory comes in very handy here. I won’t be delving into the topic of consciousness akin to perception, as that would be a bit off.

But unlike the bomb event that takes place on our Earth, the big bang is a different occurrence entirely. We have the problem of space and time or as general relativity (Einstein) would put it, spacetime. Is the big bang responsible for space and time (spacetime) or either of the two? Space and time are existential (physical) constants. There is first a metaphysical side, meaning that existence precedes physical process. The big bang is the physical process. Physical interactions are what we experience directly, but upon curious research, a keen observer would notice that physical interactions require a premise. So, what nature of existence gave birth to the big bang? Well, we have the physical process that is the initial singularity which is the gravitation singularity of infinite density. That is the physical side of the big bang, but we all know deeply that there is a metaphysical side as logical as the physical.

Let’s analyse. You have infinite information on one hand and a universe on the other. Then what causes the singularity? Note the word infinity, you have infinite information in a theoretical point, dimensionless. The big bang theory says there were quantum fluctuations that caused the resulting inflation, let’s agree on this as the physical process, now let’s go deeper. It should be glaringly obvious that the universe already existed in a singularity but needed the physical process of an explosion to come to life. Then how can so much information infinitely exist at a point? This could be a disturbing question, but just like Einstein I stay with my problems longer. Observe deeply, and you might discover as I have that the big bang is the ‘reverse’ action of an infinite process, reverse. What does this mean controversially? This inevitably means that infinity existed before the big bang.

Infinity is a crazy topic entirely, crazy is an understatement. There are various types of infinity. Well, I have a blog, and I intend to fill it up with so many discoveries of mine in time.

[Please note: this blog is copyrighted. If my discoveries directly inspire you in any constructive way, please let me know. Contact me via my Contact page. I don’t seek to hide knowledge, but if you must use what I find, then you ought to share.]

